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 Store Gaustakne, 1523m,  
 Norway 20/9 2015
 Heddersfjell, 1461m,
 Norway 19/9 2015
2-day trek the Himalayas July 2015
Matho La 4930m, peak 5000m,
 Peak 5700m, Wari La Pass,
 The Himalayas India 18/7 2015
4-day trek, the Himalayas July 2015
Stok La 4880m, Stok Ri  5002m,

 Lamdon Hill 4020m, Leh,  
 The Himalayas 7/7 2015
Spiterhøe 2033m, Skauthøe 1993m, Norway 20/6 2015  Jägerkamp 1746m, Benzingspitze  1735m, Germany 10/4 2015  Monte Elmo 2434m,
 Italy 9/4  2015
 Grüblspitze 2395m,
 Austria 8/4 2015

 Sefenspitze 1948m,
 Austria 7/4 2015
 Forc. de Crespeina 2558m,
 Italy 6/4 2015
 Gråfjell 1466m,
 Norway 8/3  2015
 Trögasetnatten 1233m,
 Norway  7/3 2015
 All material: Copyright ©Mats Olsson