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20/2 2022
Store Lifjellet 1219m, Norway

 This is our last day in the mountains for this time, we are
 going home later today. Now we are to the west of
 Grövelsjön, on the Norwegian side. Here we can see
øgda 1120m to the left, and our target Store
 Lifjellet 1219m to the right. 
The area around Grövelsjön is beautiful, getting even
better on the Norwegian side.
First there is a 2km flat area, before the real climb begins. 

 Just like yesterday, the weather is perfect! Only light winds
 and not very cold. 
The snow is firm and easy to walk. The climb is smooth. This slope actually rises around 350 altitude meters. 

 At the summt,1219m (I can't help showing off a little...) Zooming in Sølen 1755m, to the southwest. 42km to the southeast, in Sweden, is the characteristic peak of Städjan. Here it's to the right. 

 Much closer, to the northwest, Älgåhogna 1460m. Going down again. We descend the 400 altitude meters
and more than 3km in 55 minutes. 

 Allt material: Copyright ©Mats Olsson