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5/7 2021.
Hamrafjället 1138m.

 Today I'm going home to Grimsås again. But I do have
 time for a final, short trip after breakfast, Så I go to
 Tänndalen a bit to the west of Funäsdalen. The trek
 starts at  760m höjd.
The trek is well prepared with stairs and signs though the woods, so it's simple walking. Plenty of flowers in the lower parts.

 The tree limit is quite sharp, at almost 1000m. Småhamrarna 1081m. Only about 100m left to the summit.

 Up at the summit cairn 1138m, also being a wind shelter.
 I needed less than one hour up here.  
A look back to Helagsfjället, that I climbed yesterday. A look to the northwest, on the Norwegian side I think.

 And this is Lillskarven, 1224m.

 All material: Copyright ©Mats Olsson