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Hydalshjallen 1425m, 8/9 2012

 We arrive at Hemsedal towards evening, and go for an
 evening hike before the day ends. The car is parked at
 the lake Vavatn, altitude 1150m.
A small lake above 1200m. This area is beautiful and accessible. We ascent the slopes to the right towards the
first summit.
The summit cairn at point 1383m, lower summit before main summit.
 A look to the west. The lake Vavatn closest. To the northeast is Hydalsberget, that I climbed in june this year. Its only a short distance, 10-15min, fron point 1385m to the main summit at 1425m. A small cairn marks the summit.

 A herd of reindeers don't see us coming, until we are
 quite close. They look at us to evaluate for about half a
 minute, then they quickly leave.
To the east and 500 altitude meters below is Hydalen. The evening sun can still reach it. This is a beautiful area, easy accessible and without any tecnichal difficulties. The hike can be prolonged to Hydalsbergi, 1594m. We choose to turn back here, giving us 300+ altitude meters and about 2h walking. Perfect for an evening when you have some time to spare.
 All material: Copyright ©Mats Olsson