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Sulzkogel, 3016m, July 2006

 As you start from Kühtai, on 2000 m, Sulzkogel is a
 relatively acesssable 3000-meter with "only" 1000 altitude
 meters. An uncomplicated walk also contributes
You soon realize from where Kühtai got its name. The path first goes to the dam wall of Speicher Finstertal.
To the right of the picture is Zwölferkogel, 2988 m

 Kühtai seen from Speicher Finstertal. I need about 1 hour
 to climb the 300 altitude meters to the wall
In the other direction, the dam with Zwölferkogel, and
Sulzkogel behind a little to the left.
The path continues around the dam and after that the real climb begins.

 It´s mostly rocky, but some beautiful waterfalls can also
 be seen
Closer to the top it gets steeper, and the thin air also starts
to affect. I see a woman collaps and turn back just some
200 altitude meters from the top. No real problems though, apart from the thin air. The top is in the middle of the picture.
The real reward comes when you reach the top. Extremely clear air with a visibility of 200 km in all directions also helps. I can see the flatland in Germany north of the Alps, Hohe Tauern to the southeast and far into Italy to the south. Also, this is my first 3000-meter, nice!

 Looking to the southwest, with Ötztaler Alpen and
 Wildspitze, 3770m
To the south, a smaller cross and parts of Stubaier Alpen. Speicher Finstertal seen from the top.
 All material: Copyright ©Mats Olsson