Only goodness is not enough. A
hard, cold wisdom is needed
for the goodness to ackomplish good.
Jubal Harshaw
we are talking about peoples opinions of "superphysical fenomenons" we
can split them into three categories, those who donīt believe in
superphysical fenomenons, those who do believe, and those who had
themselves had a "spiritual experience". The last group generally has
left the terms of believe/not believe, and has an inner conviction, a
knowing that there is something more than here and now.
then are believers/non believers? First of all every person of course
gets an opinion of the world that is in level with her ability to
understand, and the information she has been provided during her life.
Naturally we must accept the fact that people have different abilities
to understand reality, just as we are different in all other ways.
Therfore we can never, and should never, all have the same opinion of
our world. What should be important is that we get a picture of reality
as accurate as we are able to grasp. But do we all get that, through
upbringing, school etc?
the people, who have chosen to believe in the Bible letter by letter,
heard about the Church meeting in 325 a.c? The roman emperor Konstantin
stated that the christian religion should be the state religion of the
Roman empire. In a meeting with some bishops who could not even read,
and a man named Eusebius, who could read and write, it was decided what
writings should be in the Bible and what shouldnīt. At this occation it
was also decided how Jesus should be regarded by the Church. Was he
God, was he the son of God or was he an ordenary man? After some
discussion it was decided that he was God, but he was also the son of
the strict Bible believers ever heard of the Church meeting in 533 a.c,
where the emperor Justinianus decided it was time to remove the
teachings of reincarnation from the christian Church? The Pope himself
refused to participate in the meeting, but the teachings of
reincarnation got banned. In spite of this a lot of people continued to
honor the older teachings, and several hundreds of years later the
"Katars" controlled large areas in south Europe. They believed in
reincarnation, they were peacful and they did not eat meat. Eventually
they were all killed or chased away by the christians, a dark part of
our history.
I went to school I never heard of these events. Why not? Is there any
other explanation than the power the church has had (and still has)
over the people? Would the strict belivers of the Bible have remained
the same dogmatic wiew if they had learned about these things in their
youth? I donīt believe so.
good friend of mine, who is a teacher in religion, once showed me a
text and asked me to say what it was. I had no problems to recognize
"Our Father" even if some words were a bit different. "This text is
found on hieroglyfes in Egypt", my frind said. "They are a lot older
than the New Testament! "
Then what about those who have chosen to be pure materialists, and not
believe in anything? Why have they made such a choise? In many cases,
the direct reason is that they have seen through the fictions and
dogmatism of the church, and chosen to turn their back on it. Should
these people have concidered an other opinion if they had been given an
alternative? Our materalistic society has decided to abandon the
mysticism. Either you are a strict materialist, thatīs ok, or you enter
an established Church, thatīs ok too. This in spite of that the Church
represents a fundamentally opposit opinion than the materialism.
if a person starts telling about strange experiencies sheīs had, than
the mysticism enters our life, and that person suddenly becomes
dangerous. Such a person still gets opposed today, both by the Church
and by the materialistic society. She is regarded as a threat against
the order and could even loose her job. (I have seen examples of this.)
different investigations shows that at least 10% of all people have had
some kind of spiritual experience. Today, almost everybody chooses to
be silent, or just tell their closest friends about it. The reason for
this is that we have a society were such experiencies are not accepted.
How would it be if we had a society were any person would be ecouraged
to tell about inner experiencies? Would a person who is now a strict
materialist, have thought different if she had heard a large part of
her fellow humans talk about different mystical experiencies? Would she
have thought different if she had heard about the huge amount of
serious experiments of "superphysical fenomenons", being made in
laboratories all around the world? I believe so. And I would call such
an open society a culture. I wouldnīt call our
present society that.
so does it matter what we belive then? Should our society have looked
different if these thought had been more accepted? Actually, there is
an interesting investigation here, that showes how people change their
personality after having a "near death experience". Those who previosly
were dogmatic Bible believers change and becam more widely acceptive.
Those who previously were strict materialists adapts a general, not
churchbound religiosity. They all get a strong feeling that life is
important, and that we must show love to our fellow humans.
easy to understand why such thought are regarded as a threat by our
without religion is lame, |
religion without science is blind. |
Einstein |