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Borgsjåbrotet, 1485m,
Norway 11/6

 Today I go to Småroi, on high mountain area north of the
 lake Tinnsjön. You can park on 1150m, just where the trail  begins. But check the signs up here, you can't park
 anywhere. In the background are the slopes up to the
 mountain Gavlen.  
Easy to find and easy to walk, even if it's a bit wet now. Borgsjåbrotet is the highest peak in the area and a really
good viewpoint. 
First there is a 1,5km flat area. Even here it's really beautiful. Here's looking to the north. 

 Looking forward, the slopes up to Borgsjåbrotet.  The Gausta peak is visible in the southwest, but with some clouds. Even if I'm getting higher, I take this picture now, fearing that the weather might get worse in that direction.
And so it does...
At 1300m the trail splits. The sign points to the left but I go to the right, using another and steeper climb.

 Higher, at 1400m, I encounter a snowfield, that I finally
 have to climb. A bit harder than expected, but I get a
 different way up than going down.
Beautiful views to the southeast.  The summit cairn at 1485m. The visibility is excellent today!

 Far to the north, Hallingskarvet, with peaks reaching more
 than 1900m.
And the glacier Hardangerjøkulen, about 80km to the north. On the descent, I use the regular trail, passing this accident scene. Here a military jetplane crashed in 1954, killing the pilot. Some planeparts are left up here, as a memory of what happened.

 All material: Copyright ©Mats Olsson