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2/8 2021. (and 2019?)
Salsfjellet 1281m, Sjøhøgda 1121m.

 The starting point is Sjöstugan, at 780m, by Grövelsjön.
 Had to wait in my car for a rain shower to pass, until I
 could start walking at 9:30. It's a short walk to this nice
The fact that I'm returning to Grövelsjön is due to its accessability for me, coming from the south. But also
because this is a beautiful area with easily climbed
Reindeer fence at almost 900m, with Sjøhøgda behind. The border to Norway is just a few hundred meters further. The border is closed for now, it's not allowed to cross. But luckily, I found some older pictures from 2019, when I was here too. 

 So I compiled the different pictures. By a coincidence, the  older pictures had exactly the same kind of weather, so it
 looks as if a made the whole trip on the same day. Well,
 how about that...
It's easiest to follow the main path until you reach a
saddlepoint (about1060m), the highest point between
Sylen (Norway) and Grövelsjöns fjällstation (Sweden).
Here is the slope to the east, towards 
But I climb to the west, on Salsfjellet. 

 Almost up, just some 200 altitude meters from the
 saddlepoint. This is a view to
the north.
At the lower summit 1278m. In the north is Grøthogna
From the lower summit it's about 500m to the high point, 1281m.

 At the main summit 1281m. A good place for a wind shield,
 to sit and have some snacks in the fairly hard wind
Here's a look to the east. Sjøhøgda is closest, behind it Grövelsjön. Far in the distance I believe we can see Sånfjället in Härjedalen, Sweden. And here is Grövelsjöns fjällstation. At the horizon is Nipfjället in the middle. To the right of Nipflället is the sharp peak of Städjan.

T o the west, further into Norway, Goebletjahke 1288m and  Digerhogna 1294m. After descending to the saddlepoint again, I climb 60
altitude meters to the summit of 
Sjøhøgda, 1121m. I
don't stay here for long ...
...but continue along the ridge eastwards ...

 ...until I reach the Swedish border again. Some reindeers, a short bit into the Swedish side.  And Salsfjället, seen from the same spot.

 From here it's a fairly smooth, but steeper, off track descent
 to the main path, leading back to Sjöstugan.

 All material: Copyright ©Mats Olsson