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Geisterspitze (Punta degli Spiriti) 3467m, Italy 26/6 2018
Punta del Cristallo 3450m

 This day Sören and me go to the Stelvio Pass 2758m
 (Italy), to climb Geisterspitze. The weather is expected to
 be perfect, which is preferable when you are going this high.
At 2900m a path leads up to Monte Scorluzzo 3095m. The glacier starts at 3000m. Here's the target from a little more than 3200m.

 To the west is Monte Cristallo 3434m. In the background
 is Piz Bernina 4049m.
Sören climbing the last, fairly steep section which isn't
covered with snow.
The highest point of today, Geisterspitze 3467m with its unusual top marking.

 Ortler 3905m Monte Zebru 3735m, Königspitze 3851m, Zufallspitzen
3757m and Monte Cevedale 3769m
. The last two are in
the middle of the picture.
Weißkugel 3739m is at the border to Austria. 

 Zooming in Piz Bernina 4048m. Straight to the south there is a passage over the southern summit, further to the slightly lower Punta del Cristallo. It's
to the right in this picture.
The passage over the southern summit is narrow. When I climbed Geisterspitze 2011, I couldn't pass here because I had no crampons

 After this passage it widens up and is easy walking again. At Punta del Cristallo, just a few minutes later. Here it abruptly ends with a vertical drop of 2000 altitude meters.
 All material: Copyright ©Mats Olsson