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Seebodenspitze 2859m, Italy 30/3 2016

 The weather looks uncertain as we approach St. Valentin
 in northern Italy. But we take the cableways up to 2400m  anyway, to see what developes.
Higher up, the weather changes constantly. One moment
you see the peaks up there, the next you don't see anything.
Like here, now on about 2600m. But everybody are in a good mood anyway. The lack of visibility makes it difficult to navigate. In one place we have to turn back and descend, to find a better way up.

 But then it starts clearing up, and we can see the summit
 above. Here's Dante, with less than 100 altitude meters
 to go.
The weather changes, as mentioned. One moment the
summit looks like this.
Just a few seconds later it can open up, looking like this instead.

 Looking to the northwest, where you can see parts of both  Switzerland and Austria. Sunshine on Elferspitze, 2926m. Sören descending again. We got a fine experience up here, to some degree thanks to the poor weather.
 Allt material: Copyright ©Mats Olsson