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Jöchelspitze 2226m, Austria 28/3 2016

 Sören, Dante and me are in Austria to climb some peaks.  Here we have parked the car at the lift station of  Jöchelspitzbahn. The lift takes us to 1768m. From here it's snowshoes on. First we climb diagonally towards...

  Lachenkopf 1903m, a wiewpoint and not a summit. From here it's another 300 altitude meters to the summit.
The upper section is a bit steeper.
There are some chamois here. But we never get close to any of them.

 The summit cross of Jöchelspitze, reached after about
The view is breathtaking in all directions. Here's a look to
the southwest, down into Lechtal.
To the north is Rothornspitze 2393m, to the right in this picture.

 One of three golden eagles passing by. Sören and Dante, having something to eat.
 All material: Copyright ©Mats Olsson