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Monticchio 1696m, Italy 3/3 2016

 I have climbed Monticchio once before, in july 2013.
 But this time it's winter and totally different. Three
 students and I go from Geneva Switzerland, where the
 weather is poor, to Italy where the weather is fine. We
 park by
Bocchetto Sessera 1380m, with the slopes  towards Monticchio behind.
Three youngsters climbing the slopes, on a soft and rather difficult snow. On the Po Valley there is sunshine, it's a warm day. Further into the alps it's only snow, cold and misery. In other words, we are in the right place.

 The final climb towards the summit. And here's the summit cross on Monticchio, 1696m, I
needed about 1h to get here. Cold winds and time shortage makes me stop here. But where are the youngsters? 
No problems! Maybe a bit unused to snowshoes, but they arrive. Here's Tobias, Anton och Hilma at the summit.

 Looking to the south, Monte Mars 2600m among others. The ridge continues to the north, towards Cima del Bonom, 1877m. It can be seen to the left. We were supposed to
climb that one as well. But as I said, we didn't have the time.
Far to the north east, the alpine border is going east-west, to the north of the Po Valley. Bielmonte to the right.

 A look across the Po Valley during the descent. In the very  clear air we can see the Apennines, some 100km away.

 All material: Copyright ©Mats Olsson