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Monticchio1697m, 4/7 2013

 After landing on Milano Malpensa at 12, I drive to Alpi
 Biellesi for a short afternoon trip. My target is Monticchio,
 easily accessible with some 300 altitude meters from the
 restaurant  Bocchetto Sessera.
What makes this hike a little special is that Monticchio
is on the very limit to the Po Valley. The picture taken
after some 50 altitude meters
Further up, there are alpine roses. Picture taken to the northeast.

 The final climb to the summit. A small wooden cross marks the summit of Monticchio.
I only need 45min to get up here. Then I have been
walking deliberatly slow, not to get tired until tomorrows
climb, which will be much higher. That means, it's quite
easy to get up here
It's possible to continue along the ridge, to Cima del Bonom, 1877m, here to the left. It takes about one hour from Monticchio. If you feel like it, you can then go on to Cima de la Guardie 2007m (lower peak to the right). Just remember that you are going the same way back again.

 Monte Mars 2600m, to the southwest. Looking out the Po Valley to the south, you see the town of Biella. There is a special beauty in standing on the borderline between the flatland in one direction, and
sharp alpine peaks in the other
This could be called a simple family hike, accessible even for those who suffer from vertigo. The only negative thing I noticed, was a near trampling on a small viper. I don't know who got most scared, me or the viper.

 Red Admirals and Painted Ladys fly around the summit.
 Finally I managed to get one Painted Lady to sit still, long
 anough for a picture
The ski resort Bielmonte is close to Monticchio. There is
much activity during wintertime, but now it's deserted

 All material: Copyright ©Mats Olsson