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Punta Giordani 4046m, 5/7 2013

 Time for a new attempt on Punta Giordani. Dante and me  didn't make it all the way to the top in april this year, too
 much ice. This time I'm alone. I use the cableway from
 Gressoney, and then the Funifor lift up to Punta Indren.
 Punta Giordani isn't visible hear. It's hidden behind
 Stolemberg to the right.
At the top station, Punta Indren 3275m. Warnings are
given so tourists won't run about on the glacier. There
are crevasses... Punta Giordani can be seen up there,
a little to the right
It's somewhat of a battle against time. I enter the glacier at 10.15, a bit late for what I'm about to do. Cumuli clouds are rising, and I want to reach the summit before they eventually do. The picture is taken on 3350m

 Over 3500m it gets steeper. On 3600m I have reached the  same altitude as the cloud tops. Now on 3700m. Two climbers have reached the so called "eye". The last part is fairly easy, but long lasting. The 200 altitude meters feels as if they will never end. I have tired legs and start to feel the thin air. You should climb a couple of 3000-ers before taking on this altitude. Now it's obvious I'm not well acclimatized to the altitude.

 Mont Blanc rises above the clouds, about 85km to the
 west. Thank's to the clean air up here it's clearly visible
The summit of Punta Giordani, 4046m. The very last meters concists of a cliff without snow, with a small madonna statue. The cumuli clouds never got close to the summit today. Wonderful, magical! A group getting ready to ski down again. It's not wise to go close to the edge...

 I reached the summit in 2,5h, even if it was slow towards
 the end. The french guy taking the picture insisted I should
 take my cap off. Well, I don't know if it gets any better...
A look down to the trail leading up. The cablecar station is visible a little to the left down there. Far to the southwest, La Grivola, 3969m, among others.

 Capana Margerita to the left. The mountains far below
 certainly aren't small. It's Monterosa that's so much bigger...
Parrotspitze 4432m, and Capana Margerita 4554m. Corno Nero 4321m, and Ludwigshöhe 4341m.

 Piramide Vincent 4215m. You might argue that Punta
 Giordani is more of a ridge reaching east from it's side,
 than an individual summit. But it's so clearly marked, and
 reasonably accessible (for a 4000-er) that it's a very
 popular target for climbers
Zooming in Balmerhorn 4107m, with its high statue of the Christ (compare with the bivack).

 All material: Copyright ©Mats Olsson