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Skurvefjellet 1741m, 9/9 2012

 A front has passed during the night, and in the morning all  mountains are covered with clounds. But the weather
 slowly improves and we start at 9.30, 920m altitude. It's
 2,5 degrees celsius. Såta, 1257m, can be seen through
 the clouds.
Into the clouds. We are passing the lake Såtetjerne at
1069m. The visibility is almost zero.
But it can be beautiful even within a cloud. We follow the stream for a bit, looking for a good path towards the south summit of Skurvefjellet.

 A little higher we approach the top of the clouds. The  mountains begin to appear again. Only a short while later we reach the top of the clouds.
Here it turns really beautiful, almost magical. The summit
of Såta reaches up through the clouds.
The ski slopes of Hemsedal, seen from the south summit at 1428m. The lower stratus layer is beginning to disperse, but there is another, higher up.

 To the south, the high waterfall of Veslehorn can just barely
 be seen
Up towards the main summit it looks worse. It's still covered
by the higher stratus layer. We are still optimistic, and start climbing
On the southeast lookout point, GPS-altitude 1712m, about one hour later. The clouds disperse just a few minutes before we get there. The main summitis still in clouds.

 To the southeast are the slopes towards Nibbi, 1741m. At the main summit, 1741m. It's only 500m from the lookout point, and the summit is now free from clouds. We feel
rather good about that.
A few pictures from the way down, when the weather has improved. Here is the lake Såtetjerne at 1069m, with the south summit of Skurvefjellet. The steep wall is sometimes used by climbers.

 Skurvefjellet, seen from the road. The south summit is to
 the left of the middle, while the main summit is hidden
 behind the slopes of NIbbi

 All material: Copyright ©Mats Olsson