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Ranten 1419m, (Norefjell) 4/4 2012

As you approach the mountain range through Sigdal in Norway, Norefjell is one
of the first "real fjells" you will see. Actually, Norefjell is an extended high alpine
area, with several independant peaks. Here is just a part of this area.
I use the road from Eggedal up to Tempelseter at 900m altitude, where the car is parked. (payroad, 40Nkr)

When you start walking, the peak of Ranten soon turns up ahead. On this beautiful day (0°C and sunshine) I'm not alone on the mountain. JThe higher up, the more snow. This is what I came for. Now I can test my new "light crampons" and se what they can do.

These "microspikes" are sold as studs, but to me light crampons is a better description. Broad spikes dig down in snow and ice. This snow is very hard, and
it's quite slippery to walk without spikes. But with them life gets a lot easier
At about 1200m altitude the long, flatter part of the trail ends. One trail leads towards Høgevarde, and on the other side you can access the slopes to Ranten.

To some extent I can choose the angle of the slope, and I don't pick the easiest
part. In this particular section I have no problems at all going up. The snow is
stone hard, ordenary boots don't even leave a footprint. In fact, without my spikes
I wouldn't have climbed this mountain at all.
At the peak I am all alone. Maybe not so strange considering... The view is spectacular, Hallingskarvet is visible far in the northwest. This picture is taken from the south viewpoint at 1400m. 

Høgevarde, 1459m, 3km to the southeast, here seen from the high point, 1419m. 2 km up north is Gråfjell, 1466m, the highest peak at Norefjell. I was planning to climb that one as well, but because of time constraints (The road tunnel under the Olso fjord closes at 21.00 hours) I have to skip that.

Zooming in Hallingskarvet, about 100km away. The air is extremely clear this day, about the best I have ever seen.

 All material: Copyright ©Mats Olsson