
start from the Stelvio pass in Italy, at 2758m. The
initial thought is
to climb the Geisterspitze, 3467m.
3905m in the background. (As long as it's still visible) |
the Ortlerhaus, 3028m. Geisterspitze can be seen in the background.
Time to enter the glacier.



group entering the glacier. We follow the prepared ski slope,
which is
concidered safe to walk, without being connected. In the
background you
can see Ortlerhaus. |
The hike up the glacier is really beautiful,
with clouds above and below. |
then the clouds move in, and in just a few minutes it looks like this.
We abort and turn back in hard winds, hail and zero visibility at about



After a stop at Refugio Livrio and a good
cup of
cappuccino, we continue our descent. Here is Rötlspitze
to the
north, 3026m. |
lower, at 2900m, we reach the trail going up to
Monte Scorluzzo, 3095m.
It's still free from clouds, so I
quickly decide to climb it.
At the
summit cross, some 20 min. later. The clouds come and go now.

Here is also a
memory sign,
reminding of the first world war.
At that time this area was a theatre
of war. |