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Piz Umbrail 3033m (19/7 2010)

 Piz Umbrail in the middle, seen from Passo dello Stelvio.
 The high rate of calcium and heavy erosion gives the
 mountain a very caracteristic look. To the right is Piz
 Chazfora, 3006m. Below the moutain is the starting point,
The Umbrailpass is at 2505m, making this peak relatively accessable. From 2600m the summit is visible ahead.

 You may wonder where the flowers find their nutrition... Reaching the steeper part, around 2900m altitude. The view is great. Perfect weather with extremely clear air makes it even better. Here is Piz Bernina, 4049m, in Switzerland.

 The road from Passo dello Stelvio winding down to Bormio,
 on the Italian side.
The peak of Piz Umbrail, with the ridge continuing along. The most impressive must be König Ortler, 3905m, in Italy. Passo dello Stelvio, 2758m, to the right in the picture.
 Ortler, a little more zoomed in. We continue along the ridge, nice and highly recommended. A few steeper passages keeps one alert.

 The whole ridge is quite beautiful. A look down to the Swiss side, with the lake Lai da Rims
as a blue jewel.
Weißkugel, 3739m, Ötztaler alpen, Austria.
 All material: Copyright ©Mats Olsson