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Gamskogel 2659m

 We start from Krinnenkopf, 2100m, above Fulpmes in  Stubaital. Two years ago I walked this way to Hoher
 Burgstall, here a little to the left in the picture.
Pause on 2400 m. We have passed below the peak of Niederer Burgstall, standing at the slopes towards Hoher Burgstall. The path continues below Hoher Burgstall up to the saddlepoint Seejöchl, 2518m, at the foot of the mighty Schlicker Seespitze, 2804m.
 From here it's an easy walk up to the top of Gamskogel,  2659m. In the background is parts of Kalkkögel. The view from here is magnificent. A look back on the path leading to Sejöchl, and behind Schlicker Seespitze. We
were supposed to climb that one too, but
had to skip it because of time. I only have one thing to say about that;
"I'll be back".
To the southwest is Oberbergtal with Franz Senn Hütte. From there I climbed Rinnenspitze last year.
 Straigh to the south, Stubaital with Habicht, 3277m in the
From the way back, Kalkkögel to the left, Krinnenkopf to
the right and Inntal far in the background.
Back to Niederer Burgstall again. The path goes down to the right in the picture.
 All material: Copyright ©Mats Olsson